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Meet The Deacons

The Board of Deacons, or diaconate, is a committee established by and reporting to the Session. However, like the elders on Session, candidates for the position of deacon are nominated by members of the congregation annually and elected by the congregation as a whole. Deacons serve for a term of three years. Newly elected deacons are examined by the current Session and ordained during a worship service. Ordination is for life.

Our Deacons

The Board of Deacons, or diaconate, is a committee established by and reporting to the Session. However, like the elders on Session, candidates for the position of deacon are nominated by members of the congregation annually and elected by the congregation as a whole. Deacons serve for a term of three years. Newly elected deacons are examined by the current Session and ordained during a worship service. Ordination is for life.

Pamela Lasseter - Moderator

Elsie Morris

Joan Brown Cunningham

Linda Wortham

Dorothy Hudson

Delores Hudson

Christell Holloway

Deacon Phyllis Ellis

Paula Coleman

Cheryl Eke

Laverne Hughey

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Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. 

(1 Timothy 3:8) ESV


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