RAYS Youth 2021 Sunday Dialogue
Black History Month
Radcliffe Active Youth Serving
Church School
Praise Dance Ministries
Boy Scout Troop 290
Radcliffe Active Youth Serving
Radcliffe Active Youth Serving (RAYS) consists of a group of dynamic teenage church members 13 to 19 years of age. This group meets every month and is focused on worship, social, study and fundraising. The RAYS are active in the life of the church by reading scripture during the Sunday worship service and during the month of February, providing Black History facts to the congregation. Some of their exciting activities include writing and selling poetry, the hunger walk, adopt-a-highway project, the African American trivial breakfast and the intergenerational game night.
The word ”acolyte” comes from the Greek word “akolouthos” which means a servant, someone who takes care of another. The Acolyte ministry originated from Old Testament times. The Scriptures tell us of the prophet Samuel assisting Eli the priest and of Eli being assisted by Elisha.
The New Testament shows that early Christians took on the custom of servant leaders, and we have carried this forward to the present day. The Acolyte assists pastors, elders, and deacons so that worshipers may worship and celebrate the rites of the Church with simple dignity.
In becoming an Acolyte, you join with the other leaders of the church service, and you become like the members of a team, and your teamwork will help all the people worship God and lift it to a higher level.
When serving, you are actively assisting the pastors in the worship of God. It is a very important role, and should be approached with reverence, humility, and care.
Church School
Sunday Church School offers ongoing development of effective educational ministry in our church. Classes are offered to the entire church membership and the surrounding community from preschool to adult. The church school is led by a group of Christian educators who help to shape the lives of our members. We know that with these church leaders, our young people will be one step closer to reaching their God-given potential.
Praise Dance Ministries
The Presbyterian Praise Dance Ministry was created in 2004 and has become a nurturing part of Radcliffe’s Children’s Ministry. Dancers perform both solo and group routines during worship and special services, to inspirationally moving musical selections. Children have an opportunity to, not only participate in an organized activity where they learn the importance of practice, commitment and responsibility but they also express themselves creatively while lifting up the name of Jesus. Children age 5 and up are welcomed.
"Etiquette, Social Graces & Practical Skills"
“ESP: Etiquette, Social Graces and Practical Skills” was introduced in 2006 and is a series of workshops for youth ages 10 – 18. Sessions include workshops on Public Speaking and First Impressions, Health and Nutrition, Self-esteem and Spirituality, Etiquette and Table Manners, Grooming and Style, and 21st Century Issues. The ESP program is designed to facilitate discussions around topics that will enlighten our youth concerning refinement and helpful tips as they continue to mature in the 21st Century. Participants receive materials and resources to aid them on this journey at the closing ceremony.
Boy Scout Troop 290
Troop 290 of the Boy Scouts of America is located at Radcliffe Presbyterian Church, and a part of the West Atlanta District of the Atlanta Area Council. Troop 290 was started by Alonzo F. Brewer and Charles Easley at G. A. Towns Elementary School. It was later brought to its current location where it is currently led by head Scoutmaster Joseph Ingram, Sr.